Day 12 Aug 22, 2021
This will be a dau to mark a turning point in history. Watch and see what God will do on this day. Is there anything to mark this day as special ?
The Lord takes his place in court; he rises to judge the people. The Lord enters into judgement against the elders and leaders of his people. It is you who have ruined my vineyard; the plunder from the poor is in your houses. What do you mean by crushing my people and grinding the faces of the poor?
Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds. The covering of the Lord protect the righteous. Isaiah 57 proclaims the covering for all the righteous who have been slain. Any nation that slays the unborn face the judgements of god. Every life at conception is precious to God. God’s covering is removed for those who pursue evil. We must do our part to insure god’s covering for every soul to have a chance to choose God.