Who to follow in today’s world. Time will give you an answer. I have been following several prophets since October. None of the men I follow have misspoken during this time. All of their words of wisdom have been based on the WORD. That Word comes with revelation and power to help us move forward in these times. Some things are hidden until their proper time. God tells us to seal up until the proper time. Many things we need to ponder and seek for meaniing. If things were obvious, evil men would be able to take information and use it to move their agenda. Even Satan does not know all things. Satan the father of lies believes his own lies. The great deceiver is deceived. Those leading the evil agenda will not be able to accomplish their plans. If we the followers of Christ search out the hidden agenda and the proclaimed agenda of God, we will defeat the evil agenda of Satan at every turn. We win, but victory does not come easily and without sacrifice. Jesus suffered death on a cross to defeat Satan’s agenda. We are called to battle against evil. Out chief weapons are the WORD, PRAYER, leading of HOLY SPIRIT, action. This is a daily process. It is necessary to humble ourselves every day. How often I would take charge and rush out ahead in my own strength. Trusting in God is a daily process. When God gives us instructions, act. If instructions are for the future, we pray and prepare. God tells us when to act. An example: In March 1978, God gave me instructions to move to Arizona, from Anaheim,CA. This was a complete change of direction for Susan and I. We took action immediately. July 21, 1978 we were in Sacaton,AZ beginning a new life. We did not make the transition perfectly, but obediantly. God was with us every step. He kept our feet on His path. Fast forward to today. We must be ready to continue on the path God has put us on. We are 78 & 75. Age is no barrier to what God has for us today and tomorrow. Seek,seek,seek, pray, pray,pray, act, act, act.