Yes we have emotionnal ups and downs. We explore can our ups and downs in the light of unchanging truths. The most outstanding TRUTH is GOD. God pursues us continually’ God keeps our feet from slipping off his path. Everyday we need to look to him as our guiding light and Holy Father. When we are struggling with issuses, personal or otherwise, we may not see a way forward. God may be silent. We pray and make the best decision we are capable of. I think of Job. He lost every child and all of his wealth. He received counsel from his wife and trusted friends. That counsel did not provide the answers. God allowed Job to be tested by Satan.Job didn’t have answers. His suffering was intense to the point of death. Job held on to truth. That truth was God. Job held on to God. When Satan exhausted all his attempts to destroy Job, God answered. God never left Job. God trusted Job to go through the trials. Truth can stand up to the most intense scrutiny.
God has seen Susan and I through these last 4 weeks with our house guest. Christina is no longer with us. God is with her and us. Today is fresh and new. God is on the throne. During this time I am being forced to make decisions on my beloved personal possessions. I love my stuff. God sent me a word on my stuff. I will not need any of that stuff in heaven. His word to me makes it so much easier to process what to do with all the stuff.