Little gods
The Tower of Babel was a seismic shift in the world order.Nimrod was king over the then known world. He was building a temple for his many gods. Gods command was to disperse & populate the whole earth. Nimrod chose to build a kingdom for himself to dominate the world. God gave them their desires to have little gods over them. God confused their languages into 70 languages & nations. He gave them over to the sons of El. Each son of El was appointed as a god to rule over a nation. God gave them over to the desires of their hearts.
However, God preserved for himself a people He called His own. He called Abraham to build a nation set aside for God.
Every time there is a shift in world order, God makes provision for salvation & redemption.
I have listed 21 changes in world order that come to mind. One must remember each of us have a finite mind. My mind may be a little more limited than yours, so bear with me.
1. Creation including the Garden of Eden.
2. Creation of man to have dominion & authority over earth.
3. Fall of man & his removal from the Garden of Eden.
4. World wide flood and destruction of nephilem
5. Tower of Babel to the gods of Nimrod, 70 nations & languages.
6. Abraham, a nation God called His own.
7. Joseph, the savior of Jacob & his 70 family members along with all of Egypt.
8. Exodus and parting of Red Sea.
9. Mount Sinai & 10 commandments.
10. Joshua, crossing Jordan, Jericho
11. King David dynasty.
12. Daniel & his visions.
13. Birth of Messiah.
14. Cruxifiction, ressurection. Dominion & authority reclaimed.
15. Rapture of church.
16. Antichrist.
17. Return of Christ.
18. Armageddon
19. Millennial reign.
20. Release of Satan for a short time.
21. Great Throne Judgement
Each time there is a change in world order, God has it under His control. Go d executes his plan to bring about salvation and redemption for all mankind