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Wyatt the man. How is it possible that one man could verify so many events stated in the Bible. Fortune hunters; glory seekers; honest men through the ages have studied the Bible looking for answers.

Turkey has authenticated the petrified remains of Noah’s Ark. A visitor center has been erected nearby.

Saudi Arabia has fenced off the area around where Moses camped at the base of Mt Sinai.

Solomon erected markers on each side of the Red Sea where the Israelites crossed over. The marker on the Egyptian side has been set back up. The marker on the Saudi side is still there, but thrown back into the Red Sea.

Pharoah,s army remains in the Red Sea are being recovered by the Egyptian Antiquities Authority.

Sodom & Gomorra can be visited on a tour.

Ark of the Covenant location is known. It will remain concealed until the right time. Goliath’s sword was removed from the cave where the Ark of the Covenant still remains.

Ron Wyatt Museum in Tennesee has specimens from Noah’s Ark.od

Many verifications of veracity and 100% accuracy of our Bible. God has not changed. God’s Word has not changed. The Laws of Nature have not changed. All the evidence of creation is still here for us to inspect, including earth and the cosmos. The ancients testify; the prophets of old testify; the prophets of today testify. Let us have eyes to see, ears to hear & the courage to act.

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